Kizzy at the House of Congress
Kizzy was invited by the Single Supermom Foundation to perform at the House of Congress; De Tweede Kamer, in The Hague on December 18. The cause for the event is a petition to Dutch Politicians to aid in ending Children's Poverty in The Netherlands.
A deligantion of the foundation will be present in The Hague as well as politicians and the founders of Kinderarmoede.nl.

Kizzy at Concerts Popkoor Prestige in Tilburg
Kizzy will be joining the Popkoor Prestige Choir as a guest artist in their two concerts on December 12 in MFA De Symfonie in Tilburg. Tickets: Prestige with Kizzy.
Update: Both concerts are sold out.

Kizzy at Holland Against Hate
Event: Holland Against Hate
Venue: Malieveld, The Hague
Kizzy on Kracht On Tour
Kizzy will perform at Kracht On Tour in Tilburg.
The event for Women's Emancipation will be held at the Euroscoop and will take place on the 18th of November.
For more information about the event and for tickets, see: Kracht On Tour.

Kizzy at Charity Concert Als Kanker Je Raakt
Kizzy will be one of the artists to support the Charity for those with Cancer Als Kanker Je Raakt.
The Charity Concert will be held at the Breeplein Church in Rotterdam and takes place on the 1st of November.
For more information about the event and for tickets, see: Als Kanker Je Raakt.

The RTL Telekids Musicalschool!
Kizzy teaches singing, dancing and acting classes at the RTL Telekids Musicalschool.
RTL Telekids Musicalschool: www.telekidsmusicalschool.nl
RTL Talent Academy: www.rtltalentacademy.nl
Broadway Talents: www.broadwaytalents.nl
Looking back * Kizzy - GZO Broadway Musical Concert: Bernstein & Sondheim!
Kizzy sang Sondheim and Bernstein pieces as the soloist with het Gemengd Zangkoor Oosterheide at the Music Hall in Oosterhout. The orchestra was led by musical director Charles van der Veeke.
JULY 2019
Kizzy | Cel Voor Cel & Fix You (North Sea Round Town)
Kizzy recites her poem 'Cel Voor Cel' (supporting the fight against Cancer) and plays 'Fix You' at the North Sea Round Town Festival during the Roundtown Gospel Sensation Concert in Grounds, Rotterdam.

JULY 2019
Kizzy | National Anthem of Curaçao 🇨🇼
August 17 is Dia di Tula, Dia di Lucha pa Libertat. Tula was the freedom fighter of the Island of Curaçao. Film: Guilly Koster | Event: Dag van Besef

North Sea Round Town
"Lovely audience at Podium Grounds.
It was fun performing there for the Round Town Gospel Sensation by The Gospel Project event of North Sea Round Town."
~ Kizzy

Kizzy | Het Wilhelmus (National Anthem of the Netherlands) 30 Juni Herdenking
Kizzy sings the Wilhelmus, the National Anthem of The Kindom of the Netherlands as the first of eight Anthems she sang at the Remembrance of the Abolishment of Dutch Slavery Ceremony in Surinameplein in Amsterdam on the 30h on June.
JUNE 2019
Kizzy | Supervrouwen (Kracht On Tour in Maasillo)
Kizzy recites her poem 'Supervrouwen' at the 'Kracht on Tour' congress in Maasillo, Rotterdam. Presenter: Kirsten van de Hul

Telekids Musicalschool
"Proud of our students at the RTL Talent Academy and the Telekids Musicalschool.
They did an amazing job with the musical ‘Look @ Me!’ at the Agnietenhof Theater in Tiel on the 15th of June.
Practise makes perfect!"
~ Kizzy
MAY 2019

Kizzy | Curaçao North Sea Jazzfestival
A snippet of Kizzy performing at the Curacao North Sea Jazzfestival.
#Kizzy #NeverBoring
APRIL 2019
Kizzy | VLOG 2: The NN Marathon Rotterdam
A video impression of Kizzy supporting her sister at the NN Marathon Rotterdam. You can follow Kizzy on her youtube video channel @KizzyOfficial to keep track of the latest news.

MARCH 2019

Happy World Down Syndrome Day
"On this World Down Syndrome Day I send my love to those who I’ve taught in my music classes, those who have joined me on stage, and those who I have never met. May your light, your talent and your kind hearts continue to teach us to make this world a more beautiful place."
~ Kizzy
Happy International Women's Day!
Kizzy channels Rosie the Riveter on International Women's Day.

HAPPY 2019!

Video: Kizzy at the Grand opening of the Lochal in Tilburg
A video impression of the De Grote Rebelse Tilburgse Voorleesmarathon where Kizzy was invited to read from the ‘Bedtijd Verhalen Voor Rebelse Meisjes’ (‘Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls') book by ROSE stories) at the Grand Opening of De Bibliotheek LocHal in Tilburg.
Congratulations to 'Best Actress' Glenn Close
"Congratulations to the amazing Glenn Close for winning the 2019 Golden Globe Best Actress!
It was such an honour to perform with this talented human being when I lived in the United States and was the singer in the Winiker Orchestra. A true class act."
- Kizzy

Photo: The Independent

Video: Behind the scenes at the 'Rolantino's & Kizzy Christmas Concert'
A behind the scenes look at the 'Rolantino's & Kizzy Christmas Concert'. The Rolantino's is a Dutch orchestra of musicians with a physical and/ or psychological dissability that travers the world to play concerts. It is led by music director Annelies Kars. This video shows Kizzy performing for them as the invited musical artist.